Chakras: Third Eye and Heart
Birthstone: June
Zodiac: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Pink Moonstone is also known as Pink Flake Feldspar, and range in colour from beige to peach with white and translucent veins that are caused by hematite inclusions within the stone. There are many myths and legends that explain the creation of moonstone. The Hindus thought that it was formed by actual moonbeams while the Romans thought it was the drops of moonlight as it fell on earth. Moonstone in general and especially Pink Moonstone is strongly associated with the power of the Divine Feminine and all things associated with love, sensuality and fertility. One legend even says that if two people that are both wearing moonstones sit under a full moon, they will fall deeply in love. Some people view the Pink Moonstone as the “stone of psychics” as it connects to the improvement of one’s psychic and intuitive talents. But a more apt name would be the “stone of the heart” for the ways it connects and aligns with the vibrations in your Heart Chakra and gently opens you up to spiritual and physical love.